This beautiful winged life If you wander in proximity to
Seemingly small and so fragile her she might flutter her wings to
as if one stroke would shatter her fly away because she does not ever
but she is strong and her body is a want to be enveloped by the hands
shard of stained glass with each of greed and hurt by palms and
hue chosen carefully by the painter the fingers of destruction but still
who spent hours pondering what she floats upon the endless
colors the creature wears best dreams she has mustered
Sipping the nectar that Such a wondrous being
twists around her proboscis living in a world that is so
Living off the taste of crushed colossal in comparison to
milkweed and finding a blossom her tiny body yet she still is
to rest on for a little unless the mightier than most I know
wind whistles a little louder and Sitting on the new bloom is
her delicate figure is pinched her favorite activity and she
but she remains full of this is there in complete peace
natural energy that only with herself and her mind
she possesses she’s confident
Seemingly small and so fragile her she might flutter her wings to
as if one stroke would shatter her fly away because she does not ever
but she is strong and her body is a want to be enveloped by the hands
shard of stained glass with each of greed and hurt by palms and
hue chosen carefully by the painter the fingers of destruction but still
who spent hours pondering what she floats upon the endless
colors the creature wears best dreams she has mustered
Sipping the nectar that Such a wondrous being
twists around her proboscis living in a world that is so
Living off the taste of crushed colossal in comparison to
milkweed and finding a blossom her tiny body yet she still is
to rest on for a little unless the mightier than most I know
wind whistles a little louder and Sitting on the new bloom is
her delicate figure is pinched her favorite activity and she
but she remains full of this is there in complete peace
natural energy that only with herself and her mind
she possesses she’s confident
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