My Mind and Rivers Flowing

My steps across this long, rugged road are uniform and absolute

My face, a complex blend of remorse and discomfort, does her best to morph and mold into something approachable

But this walk, this hike, this trek

It allows me to be alone with my fickle and rude thoughts

Sighs and deep thought are encouraged on a walk like this 

So I walk

And I am grateful on this walk

Grateful that sights and sounds natural to this state of this realm and this world can and will continue to amaze me so.

Posted in response to the challenge Hike.



14 years old

More by TheDemiDevil

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    one stick

    one swipe 

    that represents my love

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    so where is my lipstick?

    who's borrowing it tonight?

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  • notes

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    my femininity washes over me

    and a guilty realization sets in

    I get to play both parts in my head

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  • limerence

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