My Road

I live on Garey Road in Thetford, Vermont. It's a dirt road, and it has a dead end, which isn't too common around here. The road has another road coming off of it called Apple Tree Road, which is also dirt, and also a dead end. My road technically has enough room for two cars on it, but in order to pass a car coming the opposite direction, you often risk going into a ditch. 

One of the best parts of my road is the amount of animals. One of my neighbors has seven alpacas, two pigs, bunnies, chickens and a sheep. Another one of my neighbors has three goats and tons of chickens. Often in the summer months you can see the chickens out and about, and the rest of the animals enjoying their time out in the sun. If you ask, you can always go up and look at the animals and even pet them.

 We sometimes joke that the road name should be changed to Lawyer Lane, since almost every household has at least one lawyer. In the mud season, the road becomes almost undrive-able and some days it even is, requiring us to walk down from the top of the road. The road is very nice the other times of the year. 

During summer you will often see at least one person out running, with a kid or two biking. The young children can be seen running around their yards and playing. During the winter the trees look great and we always go ice skating on the pond of one of my neighbors. When I was younger I used to complain about the road and say it was bad because it was a dirt road, but now I like it, not just the dirt but also the atmosphere the road has. 



15 years old

More by david.thax

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