new normal

is this the new normal?
a hurting heart, limp hope
that you need to drag with 

is this the new normal?
how do you even talk to
people in-person anymore?
how do you express laughter
without texting?

is this the new normal?
saturday feels like thursday.
thursday feels like friday.
friday feels like monday. wake
up, do work, talk with family,
go to bed. 

is this the new normal?
creatures of isolation, we
now exist in silence. learning
to talk to youreslf, to your
pets, maybe even to inanimate

is this the new normal?
everyone will be talking
about only one thing. for 
months. there's nothing
else left to talk about.

is this the new normal?
that it is scary to go out
in public. that being safe
means sitting inside your

is this the new normal?
i don't know. maybe? but
i hope that we someday 
return to the normal we love.
not this normal. 



YWP Alumni

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