As we slip into summer break, I just wanted to express that school in the past year in the pandemic has been incredibly difficult and that everyone here deserves time to themselves this summer to do things that you love!
Write about a relationship (friendship, romantic, etc) you've had in your life that you've had to 'break-up'. Write about the 'break-up' from the other persons' Point Of Veiw. How did they feel? How were the affected?
Alli started at our house one summer when her dog ran away and Alli's mom had to go catch him. Alli was freaking out and very apprehensive about being left outside the apartment building with a random person she barely knew.
A fluorescent lit car, empty with the exception of me and a boy and girl my age. I study their faces, full of mirth. Once we reach the next stop, giggling fills the subway.
Music comes in so many different forms and can mean so many different things. Different genres can have different effects on different people. To me, music acts as an escape.
The sound of blinkers always sounds like music to me. Whenever I am in the car and we are waiting for a while at a stop with the blinker on I sometimes imagine a beat or words in between. The songs can depend on what I am thinking about.