There is a Yiddish insult that goes something like, "May a small child be named after you shortly." The reason behind this zinger is that in the Jewish traditon, it is common to name babies after a deceased realitive.
One fact about graffiti is that most of the time when you see it, It's done without permission. Most people wouldn't want graffiti painted on their building without permission.
You know when you’re little and your family always did that thing that made everyone happy and now you look back and it’s like where has all this gone? I have so many memories and moments that I think of every once and a while and it’s like wow.
God, it’s finally spring. I can feel my face burning as I read out on the patio this morning. I wish that spring meant something other than an unfounded, unsubstantiated brightness that threatens oblivion and a terrible headache.
It’s a clear day. The sky is blue. The grass is green. And we are driving down the highway. The journey is marked by spastic bursts of conversation and a chunkily categorized landscape. I press my nose to the glass and point.
Thank you all for the support in your views and likes! I got word from the admin, that my poem, Old Warehouse, is possible for publication, in this week's Addi Indi Paper!