Not About Us

Lying on plush couches,

Scrolling mindlessly on TikTok,

Then David Muir says something.


“The Supreme Court is destroying democracy.”


“Authoritarianism is rising.”


“Temperatures have reached no-turning-back point.”


“Everything cheap before will be expensive forever.”


“The world’s burning and there’s nothing we can do.”


Okay maybe not in those exact words but you get the jist.


As we feast on juicy steaks and vegetables,

Drinking clean water out of glass cups,

Discussing matters such as when we’re going to Disney,


“Father kills family and self.”


“Gang robbery on elderly woman in the subway.”


“Man acquitted of hate crime charge and murder.”


“Governor: White Western European people are better, technically.”



Makes you want to,

Scream, break, kick, 



Yet we continue to relax.

Those are “Les Miserables.”

Nothing to do with us.


Rather, let's learn from them.

Learn how to defend yourself.

Don’t trust anyone.

Maybe we’ll be the headline.

A victorious one.


“Independence spreads, community breaks.”

Then you laugh with your family.


From a joke YOU make.


Maybe be tight-knit for now. Or forever.

Posted in response to the challenge Headlines.

August Thorn


17 years old

More by August Thorn