Pale Green

Pale Green

The color of a Luna Moth's wings at night, as it flutters on a soft breeze, under the brightly shining stars. 

The color of lichen growing on rocks, resilient in the most barren places, finding a way to survive. 

Pale Green

Like Moonlight, shining against the leaves of a tree. 

It reminds me to create my own little fantasies, and to wonder; 

But most importantly, it reminds me to dream. 







14 years old

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    The sun, I think is like a friend that you have lost

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    Yet still its light shines on you, so blinding you must look away.

  • Mother Earth

    In the cradle of the galaxy’s abyss, we float

    Born and aged through evolutions, revolutions

    The Earth has been here, and we are passengers on a never ending journey in our orbit round the sun

  • Lullaby

    Carried by the songbird’s wings 

    Through forests bright, caverns dim, 

    Flying in the wild wind.  

    Tears have been shed and goodbyes have been said 

    And the light is leaving from your eyes.