There's a young child sitting on the bench
Her father sitting next to her
And they're calm and it's peaceful
There's a group of teenagers
Playing football
All laughing and joking
And smiling
They're in the present
Not worried about the past
Nor the future
There's a couple walking on the path
Either newlyweds or soon-to-be
They're excited for what the future holds
The adventures life brings
And the uncertainty of it all
And the quietest out of them all
Is an old man and woman
They're sitting on the bench
Across from the father
And daughter
And they're watching
The lives go by
They're not talking
Just watching
Sitting in silence
For they were once sitting on a bench
With their father
And walking with their friends as teenagers
And they walked together in this very park
As the young couple is right now
And they sit there
For an hour or so
Just watching the world go by
And they wait here
To see how it changes
And what comes next in the world
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