People Watching

There's a young child sitting on the bench 
Her father sitting next to her 
And they're calm and it's peaceful 

There's a group of teenagers 
Playing football
All laughing and joking 
And smiling 
They're in the present 
Not worried about the past 
Nor the future 

There's a couple walking on the path 
Either newlyweds or soon-to-be 
They're excited for what the future holds 
The adventures life brings 
And the uncertainty of it all 

And the quietest out of them all 
Is an old man and woman 
They're sitting on the bench 
Across from the father 
And daughter 

And they're watching 
The lives go by 
They're not talking 
Just watching 
Sitting in silence

For they were once sitting on a bench 
With their father 
And walking with their friends as teenagers 
And they walked together in this very park 
As the young couple is right now 

And they sit there 
For an hour or so 
Just watching the world go by 
And they wait here 
To see how it changes
And what comes next in the world



14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • Speak

    Today felt the same as yesterday 
    Nothing changed 
    But there was a silence 
    That echoed in the voices 
    I heard 

    Today felt as if nothing changed 
    I got up brushed my teeth 

  • Bitter Regrets

    I've had the same dream 
    Again and again 
    Night after night 
    And I spend day after day 
    Thinking about what it means 

    I'm standing in front of that building 

  • Nothing remains

    Nothing lives here anymore
    Nothing remains 
    We all grew up 
    And went our own ways 
    And nothing is left to prove we 
    Ever were there 

    Your bike was given to your little brother