The Person I Want to Be

There is a person I want to be:

A strong person,

Someone who can stand up for herself

And others,

Who can increase her grit,

Who can push through the worst,

And always stand tall;

Someone who is just the right amount 

Of valiant.


There is a person I want to be:

A kind person,

Who can be nice to everyone

Without ever hesitating,

Who can never get jealous,

Who can be happy for those excited,

And help anyone up;

Someone who has mastered the art

Of empathy.


There is a person I want to be:

A smart person,

Someone who can figure things out,

Whether it's math or science,

Or history or what to say,

Who can share her knowledge with the world,

And watch as they pass it on;

Someone who has an open mind

To learning.


There is a person I want to be:

A strong person,

A kind person,

A smart person.

I may not be all these things now,

But if I stand tall with the sky,

If I help anyone up without being shy,

If I keep an open mind so knowledge can flow in,

I may become the person

I strive to be.



14 years old

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