A quiet midnight celebration

I am 19 years old today.
I'm a bit nostalgic because woahh, I'm old.
And there's a twinge of sadness because 
COVID has prevented the gathering settings
that I love.
it's okay.
Because I'm here.
I'm still here.
Still living,
gratuitously welcoming
every scrape and bruise
and tear and fear
and heart palpitation
and breath sounds –
I am alive. 
I made it a whole year.
A full rotation.
And I should simply be grateful
because not many people can
say this with as much gratitude
and love, and pride, and courage, and inner strength.
Some can't say it at all.
And I can.
And I will say it.
I'm so happy to be living right now.
I haven't found my purpose
But I'm not purpose-less.
And I am here and contributing to Earth
and Sky
and Man
and Me.
God, what a wonderful midnight it is.
A midnight of change, of same-ness, of ultimate celebration.
Happy birthday to me. 



YWP Alumni Advisor

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