Random Thoughts II

I wonder what I'm going to write here, what it'll turn into. It's strange just writing from my mind but I seem to be doing it. It's so dark outside now, and it gets dark so early. I still miss summer. I miss camp and everyone from there. I hope I see them all again. There are 250 days until I return, 240 days until school ends. I'm excited, but I don't want to rush things like that. I don't want the school year to end. It's hard typing up my thoughts like this, they come in so quickly then more come in as I type them. I guess after this I'll turn on a Spotify playlist and then read for a few hours until I go to bed. Tomorrow is a Wednesday. We're almost halfway through the school week. I'm glad. I like school but it's so tiring...waking up at six and everything. I'm so glad I get to sleep in a few hours, I'm exhausted. Ok, wow, I've actually written a lot. Ugh, I hate math. It's the worst class. By writing this I'm realizing how uninteresting my thoughts are. Like they're only interesting when I put my mind to it, which I'm not doing! I'm so glad I've done all my homework. I guess I'm not gonna finish the episode I started, though. Well, maybe I'll finish on Friday. We're picking electives on Thursday! Unfortunately, my homeroom's going last, but still. I also hate PE. It's just terrible and should not exist. For some reason this is strangely hard to write, let me take a break to stretch my putty and think about what to write next. Ugh, I'm so boooorrrreeddd and this is definitely not good writing. In fact, it's just a lot of unrelated sentences mashed together. Well, whatever. That's what thoughts are like, I guess.



14 years old

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