
Remember your past

For it makes you

Who you are.

Remember to ask yourself

Who are you?

Remember the good times

But also keep the bad.

Remember to keep your values

As close to your heart as you can.

Remember to tell them you love them

Because tomorrow maybe you can’t.

Remember you at your worst

And hold on to you at your best.

Remember that family

Is more than just blood.

Remember you have choice

And own up to the bad ones.

Remember it all

All of your life as a whole

Because it’s important.

Remember your life is important.

Remember someone cares.

Remember you are valued.

Remember always.

Fainting Goat


15 years old

More by Fainting Goat

  • I Promise You

    I promise you I care

    This I know for sure.

    I promise you I’m here

    Just maybe not to stay.

    I promise you I’m fine

    Just in my own way.

    I promise you I’m trying

    I swear I always have been.

  • Teenager

    I am a teenager

    My life is not simple

    I am traumatized and scarred

    And doing my best

    But it seems like adults can’t see this

    All they see is an anxious little girl

    Who doesn’t seem to care