Rush part 7

Mars was slightly annoyed to be doing Ariel’s chores, but liked the way she shopped. Perhaps it was the fact she never had much growing up, or she wasn’t materialistic. Either way, shopping with her was much easier than shopping with Sarah.
“Oh my god,” Ariel turned to Mars. “My brother’s friends are over there.”
“Should we leave?” Mars whispered.
“No, they shouldn’t recognize me… just put your hands on my waist and laugh about something I said.”
“My fake laugh is really terrible.”
“Fine!” Ariel hissed.
She grabbed Mars’s cheek and smiled up at him, laughing lightly. Her brother’s friends walked past her without batting an eye in her direction.
“That was close…” Ariel pondered what to do next.
“Let’s go home. You have everything you need, right?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Ariel covered her face and rested her head on Mars’s chest. 
“My mom is going to start having police from every town near the mental hospital look for me. One wrong move and I could be back in her awful house with my awful family.”
“I think I might have a solution for that. But we need to go home so I can….introduce you to my family. If you’re going to be living with us you’ll need a reason.”
“Awww, thanks babe!” Ariel pouted, poking Mars in the chest. 
“Don’t do that.” He shook his head, but he was smiling.
“Also, um. Could you let go of my waist?” Ariel put her hands up and looked down at Mars’s hands.
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, sorry..about that..heh.” Mars immediately went bright red.
“Bottom…..” Ariel whispered into his ear.
He rolled his eyes and walked to the mall entrance, Ariel right behind him.




14 years old

More by TheDemiDevil

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