
circle: the roundedness of a

marshmallow spent too long in your pocket,

meant for my mouth; the almost-perfect


of your fingernail as you traced my collarbone

remarking how winglike our shoulders were;

love: circle.

square: the machine-cut cube

of perfection and almonds in the form of delight,

Turkish delight, glittering like gelatin lip gloss; a

childish drawing of a house pinned to the fridge,

everyone was once foolish;

freedom: square.



11 years old

More by OverTheRainbow

  • heaven

    and here i thought we were all going to die someday;


    our corpses (sacks of what used to be our livelihood, exhales of what used to be our lives) will 

  • Autumnal

    the world is colder than before

    north winds exhaling dragon breath across the valley and

    my doorstep where i wait for the bus (bumblebee against concrete),

    rubbing my hands together and