she who is quiet amidst the noise

here in the forest, there is a-waiting
a little bird, quiet and sweet
she does not quite understand
how they could have born her

these foreign beasts

where she is quiet, they are so noise-filled
where she is soft, they are so stiff
where she is dullish, they are so brightened
quite in the feathers, not in the head

she loves to dance now, they love to strut so
she does not feel
it is the right place

but she will put her sweetest feathers out
and hope that the others might one day see

Posted in response to the challenge Peacock.



14 years old

More by ominouspoet

  • this summer

    this summer holds many adventures waiting:

    next week I leave this school behind

    the begining of an end

    ice cream and treats with friends
    playing with the neighborhood dogs

  • ocean cottage

    10 years i've spent here
    this cottage by the sea

    these 10 years i've spent here
    have become a part of me

    long i've stood on this shore
    the tides come in and out
    and so my heartbeat follows:
    in and out

  • Alone But Not Lonely

    A tundra desert stretches as far as the eye can see: 

    far away, one might glimpse 
    a wandering soul 

    a little fox, 
    fur white as the snow 
    eyes blue as the coldest mountain creek