A short story I just texted to my boyfriend

He sat under the old, drafty window. The thunder crashed and the rain poured down like it was crying. The wind howled like a lost soul, lonely and hollow. The floorboards creaked and he shivered. Then his electronic letter machine buzzed. A new message from his true love. Suddenly the rain stopped, and the wind drew quiet, as if it was listening. The message reminded the boy that he must break free of this prison so he could see her. Suddenly, the door opened as his captor walked in. The boy grabbed a sword lying on the ground and attacked his captor. "You shall not keep me here, away from my girl. There is nothing that could stop me from getting to her." The two dueled for quite a while but then the boy lost his balance and the captor disarmed him. With a sword at his throat, the boy closed his eyes and said goodbye to his love. Then he prepared for the fatal blow. But none came. His captor fell to the ground and standing behind him was his girl. She held a sword and was wearing a black lace covered dress. She tossed her sword to the side and the two embraced, both crying and slightly bloody, for the boy had been injured and the girl had gotten some of the captor blood on her when she killed him. They hugged and promised never to leave each other again.

It's the cat


18 years old

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