Sky of Green

As I lay in the grass,
I can hear everything.
Everything that lives,
everything that breathes,
everything that doesn't. 
I stare up at the blue,
blue sky,
and after a while,
I wonder.
What if the sky 
above us wasn't that
marvelous blue?
What if it wasn't 
that color that isn't quite chilling,
but calming at most moments?
We live under an umbrella,
usually blue,
sometimes gray,
sometimes pink,
It's only green at some times,
in some places,
that not everyone has seen.
So, with that dream stuck like 
glue in my head,
I roll over onto my stomach,
blades of grass not itching, but tickling me.
Now all I can see is green.
Beautiful, mystifying green. 
Not quite emerald, but a rather 
delicate, though still bold,
Ah, can you only imagine if the sky
was painted like this?
Can you only imagine having clouds swimming
in an ocean of graceful,
grand green?
A sky of green.
What an amazing idea.


Scarry Night


16 years old

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