Stories, and why I love them

A few weeks ago,
I stared at a book,
simply the cover of it,
no writing,
no words,
no stories. 
I thought to myself,
do I really want to read this?
I told myself that this book 
was known to be amazing,
to be magical, 
to be marvelous,
but yet,
I still found my mind
arguing with itself,
telling it that I won't like this adventure.
This journey.
But then again,
why not?
Why not read something new?
Something different,
something truly exciting,
truly fascinating?
And so I did.
And I really,
enjoyed it.
Who knew such a thing could
change one's thoughts almost immediately?
Who knew such a thing could change minds,
change ideas,
change lives?
Who knew a simple book could do such a thing?
it isn't really that simple.
It truly isn't that easy
to write a book,
a piece that can leave people wordless,
And so now I know
what these truly unusual things –
books –
can do. 

Scarry Night


16 years old

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