
Stuck in an alternate reality. One where time stops moving and I easily drift off into thought. A world where there are no other people. Just the ghosts of the ones I used to know, or even people I sometimes called “friend.” There are no friends now. Just me. It is quiet. There is nothing to do. Just lie there in half-sleep. I can't sleep. When I try to drift off into a happy dream, there is nowhere to go. I have forgotten everyone I once loved and fought for. I don't know why I am here. I am not helping anything or making life better. I don't know what my purpose is. Maybe, I don't have one. Maybe no one does. Maybe there are other people like me that don't know either.  Suddenly, I have found my purpose. To find others who don't know why they are here and help show them why the world needs them, to help them find their purpose.




17 years old

More by fitzgerg

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  • This Encyclopedia

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    Hey Siri, what's the weather for today?
    A calculator; a dictionary; an encyclopedia,
    ready at your convenience.
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  • He had a Dream

    He had a dream
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    A man who believed
    That we could all live happily in harmony.
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