Teenage Years

Teenage Years

Some of the best

And the worst

Years of your life

Or so I hear

Some of the hardest

And most rewarding

Or so I hear

My teenage years have been a doozy

I’ve had massive

Highs and lows

Huge changes

Good and bad

My first girlfriend was manipulative

And emotionally abusive

My current girlfriend is amazing

Kind and funny

My relationship with my best friend

Was so co-dependent

It was unhealthy

But we have healed it

This is all about par for the course

Or so I hear

Teenage years 

Are rocky

Mental health 

Is a struggle



Suicidal ideation 


And so much more

No matter what

Your struggles are

You’ve gotta find the right people

Who’ll give you that support

That every human needs

Whether those people are

Your family




Or anyone else

You’ve gotta make sure

That they’re there 

And for the right reasons too

Teenage years

Are filled with

Self doubt

And self discovery

Trying to fit in with crowds

Can end in disaster 

And yet it’s oh-so tempting 

Addictions are real

And can ruin your life

And it’s not always that easy to say no

Being addicted doesn’t make you a bad person

It just means you’re going through

Some bad things

I’ve known (and lost) 

Truly amazing people

Who struggled with addiction

Teenage years can suck

This I know without a doubt

Many of my years as a teen have been

Utterly miserable

I've been hurt



I’ve found myself

Only to lose myself once again

Teenage years are hard

But I implore you not to give up

I know that being a teenager isn’t easy, and there’s a lot of stuff you’ve gotta go through, but seriously, you’ve got this! It may not seem like it now, but y’all are stronger than you know. I know it’s a really scary time politically, but don’t give up. Keep fighting, and it’ll pay off. <3

Posted in response to the challenge Teenager: In Writing.

Fainting Goat


15 years old

More by Fainting Goat

  • I Promise You

    I promise you I care

    This I know for sure.

    I promise you I’m here

    Just maybe not to stay.

    I promise you I’m fine

    Just in my own way.

    I promise you I’m trying

    I swear I always have been.

  • Teenager

    I am a teenager

    My life is not simple

    I am traumatized and scarred

    And doing my best

    But it seems like adults can’t see this

    All they see is an anxious little girl

    Who doesn’t seem to care

  • If Only

    If only I’d never met you

    If only I had been stronger

    If only I had seen sooner

    Just how abusive you are

    If only I hadn’t let you

    Turn my life to ruin

    If only I hadn’t tried