
The memories of a past day 
Flood my mind
The way the sky 
Framed the earth 
As for the first time 
They walked together 

As the buildings 
Surrounded by the sky 
And the sun 
Brings the warmth of the spring 
To heal the cold and brute of the winter

And the trees 
All pine and oak 
Grow together peacefully 
Creating cover 
To shade the tired and weary 

The cows that cross in the desert
Of the country 
Once known but not by its name 
They walk knowing this is what they know
As those that came before 
Did the same 

And the water that shines a perfect
Sticks to your face 
Beading down your neck 
As we talk about 
The years past 

And I hold you close to my heart 
For you're still here 
But to me you're a distant memory 
Locked away in my mind 
For the days of when I was infinite 
Were just a time 
I chose to leave behind  




14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • Springsteen

    I'm 14. 
    And I just saw Bruce Springsteen
    Live for the first time. 

    I've loved him and his music since I was 6. 
    I've listened to him religiously since I was 7. 

  • 018751

    018751 this was the lunch code I was given 
    My first day of third grade 
    My teacher wrote on my hand 
    With a green marker that smelled like berries 

    018751 this was the passcode for my first email