Two Lives Left

You feel the leather of the saddle under you and your feet secure in the stirrups before you’ve opened your eyes. Your head is heavy on your shoulders and there is a stinging sensation behind your eyes. It’s only until you go to rub your eyes that you realize you are, once again, clutching the reins tightly in your fists. You open your eyes, finally, to find the sun directly in your face. 

“Well, this is certainly not what I predicted the afterlife would be like!” You think, or say, you aren’t quite sure. 

The river is spread below you, and Rufus is standing still standing on the rock path that you had been on moments before. You look down at the riverbed over the cliff, trying to piece together what exactly had happened. It was quite a long drop, one that no─normalーperson would ever be able to survive. You wrack your brain for answers, and bits and pieces started to form into a sequence. 

Falling, yes, you were falling, for much too long. Long enough for you to consider your nearing the end. It had been a moment of panic, really, until you remembered what you promised Nana. It was never to be afraid of death, as she had been. Only to brush it aside, knowing it was inevitable, and at any moment. And then thinking exactly as Nana had said all those times that the tests had come back positive . . . “well! This is a fine kettle of fish!” 

And then nothing. But why? And why were you . . . here? Right back where you had started. 

A very strange event that had been, indeed, but Nana had also never been one to question where life would take her. So, you started back down the path with Rufus. But with a slight turn of a wrist, to lead him to the right, two black streaks had clearly stained your skin. You knew those marks . . . like the ones on your little brother’s video games. 

Two lives left.




18 years old

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