I sit here
cold shingels digging nito my bare feet
a frigid wind wraping itslef around my shivering body
making me yearn for someone to hold me
comefort me
and yes, on occasion kiss me
I'm not ashamed of my feelings
as I sit here staring up at the almost full moon
it's misted over
much like my mind is sometimes
some time later
I slide in the still open window
my cat watching with her luminesnt eyes
as I slip, without a sound into my bedsheets
still thiking about the glow of the almost full moon
and wondering
wondering what you were thinking yesterday
when you sat there with me.
cold shingels digging nito my bare feet
a frigid wind wraping itslef around my shivering body
making me yearn for someone to hold me
comefort me
and yes, on occasion kiss me
I'm not ashamed of my feelings
as I sit here staring up at the almost full moon
it's misted over
much like my mind is sometimes
some time later
I slide in the still open window
my cat watching with her luminesnt eyes
as I slip, without a sound into my bedsheets
still thiking about the glow of the almost full moon
and wondering
wondering what you were thinking yesterday
when you sat there with me.
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