Until You've Felt It

Until you've felt the horror to see the body you're in 

Just because it's not your gender 

Until you've felt ashamed of who you like 

Just because of what the church taught you from a young age 

Until you've felt the gaze of a man three times your age 

Just because you're wearing something you're comfortable in 

Until you've felt like you're worthless

Just because of who you are 

Don't tell me to "just get over it"

Don't tell me that what I should feel 

Don't tell me what I am feeling 

Until you've felt it 



17 years old

More by thistle_and_sprout

  • Gender

    When were you told your gender was inaccurate?
    That being cis was wrong. 
    That being straight was a sin. 
    How many times have you felt ashamed for being straight and cis
    Like you were wrong
  • Interview with a star

    Interviewer: Hello Guys, Gals, Nonbinary pals, and all you lovely celestial objects. I’m Gary and today we’re here with Astro, the famous star who changed the universe. Astro, tell us a little bit about yourself!
  • The "If" in life

    There’s an “if” in life

    “If” I’m good enough 

    “If” I’m smart enough

    “If” this works

    Is the if in life possibilities I cant see?

    Or is it the randomness of it all

    The randomness I exist