The wanderer

The stone wall upon which he sits is crumbling, rough and moss covered, but it is home. 
He stares up at the migrating geese, their honks loud and clear in the crisp air. 
“They’re going the wrong way,” he thinks, half heartedly wishing he could go with them. 
When he visits the wall, the world becomes silent, and somehow, someway, he feels okay. 
Almost dusk, amongst the stones he doesn’t need to have a future.

Or a plan. 

His soul feels old, trapped in the body of someone who’s bright enough to do great things. 
Why does one’s passion melt away when given the chance to put it to use? 
He ponders till dark, and goes back to where he came from. 
A wanderer's world is never to be set in stone. Sometimes that’s why great minds go to waste. 



15 years old

More by emi_art_now

  • When it comes true

    when it comes true

    when my dream is found, 

    my goals reached, 

    will I be fulfilled? 

    will the future be everything I’d hoped, 

    or a letdown

    a saddening realization of truth 

  • Not ready

    When the world is dark, and the stars are out 

    My mind comes alive. 

    I drown alone in my thoughts with a smile on my face, 

    And let myself get lost, 

    Because I know I’ll be found. 

  • Ponderings

    I wonder what heaven looks like. I wonder this as an atheist. Is it space, sailing among stars? Is it merely a concept, eternally to be determined, determined by fate?