What makes us human

She asked what makes us hurt,
and so I gestured to my tears,
I gestured to my chest—
the beating, breaking heart inside. 

She asked what makes us happy,
and so I gave her a hug,
I gave her a bundle of flowers—
picked, fresh, the morning before.

She asked what makes us cry,
and so I pointed to a grave,
I pointed to the sunrise—
the happy light spilling upward. 

She asked what makes us smile,
and so I told her a joke,
I told her that I loved her—
three words that are simply not enough. 

She asked what makes us love, 
and so I took her hand in mine,
I took her gentle words and beautiful lies—
lies can be beautiful. 

She asked what makes us human, 
and so I gave her the world, 
I gave her my hurt,
my happiness, 
my tears,
my smiles, 
​and my love. 

This poem was inspired by "Our Bodies" by TheMuffinMan



17 years old

More by GreyBean

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    i am learning to live without the idea of you

    and i am trying to fill up the empty cave 

    in my head, the one you created when you 

    fell to the ground and pulled me down with you. 


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