What we're missing

The biggest issue that teenagers face today is a lack of support.

There are so many problems that affect this age group, but the lack of support is the most important obstacle that can slow down a student’s learning capabilities.

A lack of support can also lead to poor mental health, drug addiction, low self-esteem, and more. Undoubtedly, the lack of support a teenager has can have an enormous effect on a teenager’s mental health. According to the American Counseling Association, teens who do not have a strong support system are at an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. A supportive environment that communicates and understands helps teenagers cope with the emotions they experience during this hard time in their lives. Additionally, teenagers who don’t have a strong support system can use poor substances as a coping mechanism for their struggles.

The National Institute of Health has shown that teens with low levels of family support are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, like drugs and alcohol. When a teenager’s family provides the correct support and guidance, it can help prevent teens from using harmful substances. Certainly, teenagers who don’t get support from their friends and family have a high chance of performing poorly in school. With a strong support system, motivation, guidance, and encouragement, a teenager has a much higher chance of academic success. Kids Health clearly states that teenagers lacking support can limit their opportunities for the future due to underperformance.

All in all, the lack of support is the most important challenge that teens face today. It is extremely important for families, schools, and communities to understand the importance of providing a strong support system for teenagers so they can work through all the obstacles in life. With students having all this support, they will be more likely and able to have a healthy, successful future.

This is one of the many CERs I've written in my humanities class, and I wanted it to be shared. 



14 years old

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