when the sun sets tonight.

i hate the sunset tonight,

i usually enjoy sunsets,

sitting on the roof,

with the wind blowing up my hair,

craning my neck up to the sweet sky,

swirls of gold.

it really is beautiful.

but tonight,


i didn't sit on my roof and watch the sunset.

i saw the gold in my window and shut the curtains,

because tonight's sunset reminded me of you.

it reminded me of the days you loved me,

the days we sat under shady trees and laughed,

and the nights we shared headphones on the subway,

and the nights we looked up at the shimmering stars.

it reminded me of a summer with you,

a spring with you,

an autumn with you,

and a winter with you.

something about tonight's sunset,

just something that i can't put my finger on...

was it your birthday?

no it couldn't be.

was it the day we cut each other off?


tomorrow i'll love the sunset,

i'll crane my neck up to the sky,

and i won't think of you.

i'll love the sunset tomorrow night.



13 years old