Who Keeps the World Turning

The earth spins,
it orbits around the sun,
but there is much 
that goes on
atop this planet,
much that we 
cannot see
from afar. 
What is right in front of us,
and what might not be so clear?
Can we all see
the scientists,
figuring out the world's ways?
Can we all see 
the politicians,
the believers,
fighting for their opinions?
The world turns,
not just because of 
a rotational force,
not just because of 
but because of us. 
Musicians keep the world turning,
dancers keep the world turning,
using art as expression.
Accountants keep the world turning,
engineers keep the world turning,
transforming math into people's necessities.
Lawyers keep the world turning,
judges keep the world turning,
righting justice. 
Cashiers keep the world turning,
waitresses keep the world turning,
offering service to anyone. 
Not one force,
but billions 
and billions
of them, 
all a piece of the puzzle. 
Often comes the question,
what keeps the world turning?
But we must remember
that it's not a question of what,
but who. 


Scarry Night


16 years old

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