
Fluffy snow embraces me softly as I land from a front flip on the snow mountain. My dog, Zelda runs to me, seemingly alarmed as she licks my face. I laugh and throw her frisbee, watching as she races through the thick snow and leaps into the air to catch it. Getting bored, I run into our house, grab a shovel and run back outside to the snow mountain. I pick a spot in the mountain and drive my shovel into it.

My dog sprints up to me and begins clawing furiously at my digging spot while wagging her tail like a fast-paced pendulum. Together, we quickly make a hole that fits both of us comfortably and crawl in. We sit like that for a while, just breathing and thinking. Thirty or so minutes later, Zelda and I go inside for a hot cup of cocoa!

Winter is my faviourite season!



13 years old

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