

Winter is one of the most hated and or loved seasons, In my opinion it depends on where you live. If you lived in Canada it's probably not your favorite, since it gets super cold, but on the other hand if you live in LA then maybe it is since it’s hot all year round and winter brings lower temperatures, you might like it. Living in Vermont there are good and bad parts to winter. 

The biggest thing about winter in Vermont is the temperature, which can get anywhere from 0 to -20 degrees fahrenheit on the coldest days. I’m not sure if there is anyone who particularly likes the cold, so this definitely proves to be agitating. When It does get below zero that really prevents you from spending time outside and doing things like skiing, sledding, and skating, and being stuck in the house all day doesn’t always put a smile on your face. Another bad thing about winter is the chores that you have to do, like bringing in firewood, no one likes to do chores especially in the cold. So people might say that it isn't that bad but when you have to carry armfuls of wood when it's 0 degrees outside and windy, you might be a little more sympathetic.

Now on the other hand some of the good things about winter in Vermont are that you get to go skiing, skating, sledding, spend more time with your family when you're cooped up inside and plenty of other things. Skiing is one of the more popular things in Vermont, since it is a big skiing area. One of my personal favorite things to do is to ski with friends. It's always a great time. Skating is probably my favorite winter activity, not just skating but playing hockey. I have always loved to play hockey and it is definitely a very fun thing to do in the winter. Sledding is another fun activity to pass time in the winter. It's a pretty easy one too, it doesn't require much; just a hill, a sled, and some snow and you're guaranteed a good time.

So that’s my opinion about winter in vermont, it's not terrible but it can be frustrating. There are good and bads, ups and down but all and all you can make it what you want and have a good time. 




18 years old

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