The Words I Should've Said

Every time I close my eyes 
I hope to open them 
And see you again 
I wish to hear your voice 
For one last time 
Because I know I never will 

Every time I sleep
I see you in my dreams 
Yet the dream always ends 
Before I get the chance 
To say what I never truly said 

And I'll wake up 
With the same feeling 
Burning in my heart 
Because I know 
That dream will happen again 
The next night
And all of the others 

Because I never will say 
The words I never said 
For they're still 
Stuck in my mouth 
Pulling me down 
Leaving a bitter taste in my mouth 
That I can't erase

Forever I'll yearn to have that moment back 
So I can tell you 
All the words I meant to say 



14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • Today I Love a Girl

    Today I am just a man, 
    In love with a girl. 

    She has eyes that glimmer, 
    Like emerald water. 

    And she smells sweet, 
    Like lemons and fruit. 

    She loves eating pomegranate seeds, 

  • Tejas

    The memories of a past day 
    Flood my mind
    The way the sky 
    Framed the earth 
    As for the first time 
    They walked together 

    As the buildings 
    Surrounded by the sky 
    And the sun 

  • Anything

    This song sounds like spring 
    The joy we had 
    Sitting in the grass
    As it stained your white overalls 
    That your mother embroidered 
    With purple flowers 
    Your favorite color