You're Turning Violet

I always admired

your blueish-red skin

which complemented your fire-green eyes.

The snake-like hues

in your eyes,

which I had once found beautiful,

now angled themselves toward your demise,

and you were purple, to my surprise.

I locked myself away, unsure of what you would say

but knew it would be lies.



16 years old

More by purple-warlock

  • It and I

    "Who are you?" It cooed.

    Its eyes behind my back

    spoke to the intent of its curiosity,

    something brushed against my hand

    in a low yet dangerous level of ferocity.

    "Who are you?" I demanded.

  • Counting Flowers

    I rang the doorbell to your heart, 

    and throughout your house it rang, 

    a bouquet of astilbes in one hand 

    and in the other a pink dove. 

    I carved it of cherry wood just for you,