random thoughts

sometimes i feel like you can just meet someone, like at school or in some other public environment, and you just know that they're going to be your friend. like, you hit it off, you're talking, and then it feels like you've been their friend for years, not a matter of weeks, days, even minutes. that feeling, you know, of being accepted, belonging--it's amazing. new beginnings, everything. i just love it.
sometimes you can learn things about yourself from friends you never would have realized before. for example, making friends with other lgbtq+ people helped me realize last year that i was bi. i probably would have realized this anyway, but learning about other people's experiences as part of the lgbtq+ community definitely helped me along.
also, i love it when you realize that you've suddenly become close to a certain person, and you're super exited to see each other on the first day of school, and you almost feel like you're floating. suddenly, the ground becomes a cloud, and you're full of fresh excitement and joy.
did i mention how amazing it is when a person actually gets you? i don't think i did. well yeah, i love that too. you know, that feeling you get when you realize this person shares your interests, or some personality traits, and you know you're gonna be friends.
these, among many others, are some of the reasons why friends are so amazing. we all need friends, but in my opinion, having 1 or 2 friends who totally get you is completely enough. you only need a few people in your life who are always there for you and will always support you, no matter what, to get you through school and mishaps and pretty much everything, i'm learning.



14 years old

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