Messages After Life

I walk threw the croud of trees till I see the garden. The garden my gran loved; she lived for this botanical garden. My gran would take me here a girl every day and show me her garden. She would tell me which plants did what and how long they lived. She would alwase say “If you want something as beautiful as you to grow and not paresh you must sing, sing till your lungs give out! Singing is a beautiful gift mija, and when you have it, grab it and charish it forever.” I walk threw the grass walls and into the garden. I go past all the best and waterfountins till I get to the place. I crouch down and sit on the moist grass looking at the hill. The hill sorta looks like a woman, and the flowers that go up in all sorts of different colors and patterns look like her hair. Right after I bared my gran's ashes here this hill grew, and when it started to look like the woman I was so fond of, I knew she was here. Or their per say. I come here everyday and sit here and just think and sometimes talk. I look over and see the little fish pond that gran firse showed me. When I was 8 I got my first fish and when I got here I put her in the pond. She died and when I went crying to my gran she told me something that will stick with me for a lifetime. “Bad things happen for a reason mija, and when you expenence the bad things you look them straight in the eyes and learn from them. Mesatakes are the best way to learn.” After that, she brought me to the store and we bought some fish that were good for the pond. I look up at the sculpture and lean back on my elbow, exaniming it. I feel tears prick my eyes just thinking about the things we could do now. I just wish I could talk to her about me, im 16 years old and I dont even know how to tell my parents about it. I dont know how they would react, to me being gay. I lay back and relise the sun had gone down much further than I expected and you could just see a glommur of the moon. 
    “Gran, how should I tell them. I mean, their relijust and believe in everything that associates with the Bible. How could I, their daughter who is supost to like boys - by society and God - Tell my Christian parents that their daughter is gay and has liked her best friend ever sence 3rd grade?” I take a deap breath and sit back up, and start to pick at the grass. “I bet I know what  you would say Gran.You would something along the lines of “having the chance to feel this way for someone is a gift mija, and you should not care what they say - even you momma and papa - they should love you for you and acept every part you who you are.” Right as I get dont with my speech the wind blows through my hair and I know she's here and just that gave me my answer.


17 years old

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