A bunch of facts about me.

I was born on a Monday.
My mom said it was the worst Monday until I was born and then it was the best Monday.
When my mom was pregnant,
She would walk along the pier on full moons,
And I would wriggle around a lot.
That's why my middle name means child of the moon.
I had my first crush when I was three,
And I've been a hopeless romantic ever sense.
My first best friend that I remember was when I was two,
She wasn't potty trained and I used to make a big deal every time she had an accident.
Now I have three best friends,
One is an amazing writer and talented actress, who listens to my problems even when they probably bore the crap out of her,
And she is there whenever I need her,
Which is a pretty big commitment because I need her a lot.
The other is a super funny, sweet girl, who comes to me with her problems asking for advice,
Who jumps into my arms and makes me carry her, bride style, everywhere.
The third one is a guy who encourages me when I suck a sports,
Teases my about my obsession with musicals,
Is there to laugh at all my jokes,
Unless they're not funny, Then he tells me just that.
My friends are the best,
And I'm still a hopeless romantic.
I like midnight much more than mid day,
And I wish I still lived in California.
Also, Mondays still usually suck.
But that's okay.
I don't know why you read this all the way to the bottom it's so bad,
It's like you're reading a crappy diary entry or something.
Well anyway, it's my birthday,
And I thought I'd tell you.

It's the cat


18 years old

More by It's the cat

  • Pebble

    I want to build you a castle, even though I can barely use a screw driver.
    I want to write you a song, one that would make you think of me on a whole new level,
    One you could listen to when we're apart.
  • Promise, Someday

    Someday we will hug and kiss like its no big deal,
    Wrap our arms around each other and walk down the street.
    Someday I’ll have a special name, that only you call me,
    Something that makes me smile,
  • Always something

    It's always got to be something.
    That one thing that takes the wind out from under your wings making you tremble,
    and fall.
    And it's always the something you generally expect,
    But hoped wouldn't happen.