Checkpoint 9_

Checkpoint 9_

Spring, X9

Annie approached the old barn,looking left and right in case she was being followed.  Annie was the only one of fifteen x_54’s that had made it as far as checkpoint 9. Well technically she had to cross through the barn first, and to a rehabilitation warehouse, where she could restock her supplies. They were running dangerously low, not unlike the time Annie had left.  She was supposed to meet up with some x_63’s from the other side of Chardem. Assuming they aren't dead or disqualified… thought Annie.  Cautiously, she tapped the door, listening to the slight sound as it ricocheted, testing and bending them using her echolocation. No good. Nothing. She opened the old door, looking around one last time before entering.

Inside the dusty barn, Hay was staked in irregular towers, blocking all possible hiding places, and creating one hundred more. There was barely any light, but Annie could see fine, due to a singular ray of sunlight filtering in through a hole in the roof. It was brilliant in the gloom, glowing for all it was worth. Strangely enough, the beam hit the floor in almost the exact middle of the large building.‘Hello?’ Annies voice was barely above a whisper, but it sounded like a gunshot in the gloom. She bent it, sending it to each corner, but still, nothing. She grew uneasy, her own voice echoed around, louder and louder until she silenced it, leaving herself in utter silence, as thick as the dust around her. The hay bales were absorbing her echoes, making it impossible to get an accurate read of anything beyond her sight. This wasn't very far in the barn though, because of all the mounds of hay, and dust swirling about. She looked again towards the sunbeam. It glittered. Well, to be accurate, something in the light glittered. She stepped forward cautiously, stirring up more particles as she moved forward, closer to the center of the barn, still staring intently at the glitter, the tempting glitter in the ray of luminescence. Unaware of the laser slight on her back.



17 years old

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