The effect of fire

I woke to sparks stinging my skin Each individual one pricks me Not enough to leave a mark But enough to leave a memory Now I am remembering I tried to breathe Smoke streamed into my mouth I coughed Grasped for clean air The fire had leapt to my dresser I could hear it crackling Whispering deviously An evil voice "Come to me. Surrender" "You will never escape" The determination in me kick starts I would not be left there I would not surrender I would not disappear into the sky that night Flying away with the rest of the ashes I would not I turned to my window Fire licked at it, all around the glass Like the claw of a demon Roaring to keep me at Bay I would not be withheld I jump The strength came from deep down Where I knew I would escape The glass shattered as I hit it I felt it cutting at my skin But it was nothing compared to the fresh night air I breathed it in Relieved I felt suspended in the air Then I began to fall The cool wind, that brought me such happiness seconds ago Offered me now comfort now as I fell towards the ground A fall that would surely end in darkness I hit the ground The air rushed from my lungs I gasped Trying to replace the air I lost None came I faded The stars faded The fire devouring my house faded It becomes so blurred it looks like a watercolor A deadly one It finally disappeared Gone I snap back to reality I am back in my violet bedroom in my new foster home I sigh Of all the days that pass, I am relieved the nightmare is over But sometimes I wish I could return Return to that mysterious world of fire.



17 years old

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