The Hole on Earth

Once there was a hole on Earth. Now, this was no ordinary hole, like one in the ground. This was a hole in reality. Every so often it would spit eldritch horrors onto the planet, usually, they would die in the alien environment, but every so often they would survive, and wreak havoc upon the inhabitants of nearby cities. 

Once there was a scientist, named Isaac, who spent his life figuring when a certain hole would appear. His research took him to the desert, where he stayed for five months. Finally, he discovered the intervals between openings and set off to the place the hole would open. 

Once there were two demons, and they laid eggs on the other end of a very familiar hole. When the hole opened, one of the eggs fell into a desert and landed next to a particular scientist, who was waiting for something to happen.

Once there was a scientist who watched an egg fall from the heavens. He watched as the egg created a crater and didn't crack. He picked it up and brought it to his laboratory.

Once there was an underground bunker that held the aforementioned egg.  Isaac spent his every waking hour watching the egg, he needed to watch it hatch. One day his lab equipment notified him there was movement in the containment chamber. 

Once there was a man named Isaac who ran through his lab to see history in the making. Tripping over his assistant he dashed to the hatching of an unknown entity. 

Once there was a black egg inside a laboratory that was about to hatch.
A scientist shoved his nose against the glass in anticipation with his assistant. The first cracks began showing, and the eggs fate was sealed.

Once there was a flash of dark purple light, nearly blinding two men outside an eggs chamber. A being emerged from the egg and saw, two creatures unlike it had ever seen before. It, in fact, hadn't seen ANYTHING before.

Once there was a demon who hatched next to humans. The humans foolishly adopted the demon and studied unknowing what they were monitoring, for demons bring only bad luck.

Once there was a rival research group looking for ways to harness the extraplanar energies of the hole. They heard rumors of a creature from another dimension and went to see if they were true.

Once there was a lab assistant taking his bosses child for a walk, he was mugged, and when he woke up, the boy was gone.

Once there was a grieving father who had his son taken away from him in broad daylight. He swore he would find his son, and started asking around. He eventually got a lead and set off to the mountains.

Once there was a demon being kept hostage by a group of scientists who wanted to harvest its life force. After weeks of experiments, they were ready to proceed. During the harsh collection of its life force, the demon broke free of its bonds and escape.

Once there was a father who was too late to see his son leave his kidnappers.

Once there was a lonely child who ran into the woods never to be seen again.

Once there was a lawsuit and legal action against a group of scientists who kidnapped a child and stole intellectual property.

Once there was a hole on Earth.

Ezra Ahmed


18 years old

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