The Unclear Definition of Me

I am the one who can only find the bad parts of things, the one who knows the glass is half full, and half empty, 
    and chooses the empty. 
 I’m that girl that is quiet, reserved to herself, lost in a world inside her head. One day she will write about 
    that world, once she has explored every corner herself.
There is no place that I cannot seewithout thinking of the beauty, imagining the colors
    on a piece of paper, hanging on a wall.
To me, the world is too silent, the wind in the trees is not enough to cover the sound 
    of buses beeping and car engines sputtering.  
And because of that, I take what the world gives me, and listen to the Earth’s music, while I add in my own melody, 
    strumming on ukulele strings and pressing piano keys.
One day I will travel to the stars, dance my way through galaxies, 
    and greet friends from other worlds. 
I am a single girl in a world half full of them, and while I’m not the best at seeing the bright side of things,
    with the sun shining so strongly, how can I not?



YWP Alumni

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