The Dragon

Your wings are like feathers,

effortlessly floating this way and that, 

creating a strong wind that no one can fight.

Your eyes are like crystal balls,

making it clear what my future will look like if I try to harm you.

Your claws are like razors,

searing into the flesh of any danger that will put you in jeopardy.

You seem scary and as mean as a beast,

but something else is there.

Something better.

Your heart is like a fresh loaf of baked bread,

soft and warm.

However, it won't get demolished as easily as bread.

It will stand with strength and will not shrivel up. 

It will hold the most memorable moments, never erasing them.

And most importantly, it will never, ever let you down. 

After all, you are the dragon.


Scarry Night


16 years old

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