


16 years old


  • storm

    The wind came from my grandmother.
    Her wind skipped my mother, but it didn't skip me.
    I was riding in the back of my mother's car. She was running away from my Grami and her wind, but not toward anything.
  • The Dream

    I walk upstairs and sit down at my desk. I stare down at its contents: uncompleted math homework, my book club book, textbooks and broken pencils. My backpack hangs from a hook on the wall and my laptop lays closed on my bed.
  • Dear America

    Dear America

    You are my country
    But sometimes I feel that you are so far away
    Like when I look at New York from Vermont across the lake
    You are separate from me and yet so close...
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    1. I wake up, very nervous and a little excited
    2. I put on the new dress I got yesterday
    3. I brush my teeth
    4. I eat only part of my breakfast - My tummy has butterflies
  • Wait, then Wish

    On my birthday, blow out the candles
    Quietly whisper to a shooting star
    Watch the time for all the same numbers,
    11:11, 5:55
    When I found a four leaf clover,
    Anything like that,
    I wished on everything,