Jackson RG

Jackson RG


16 years old


  • City or Town?

    The cars zooming by.
    The city.
    The towering buildings.
    The city.
    People rushing to get places.
    The city.
    Stores with bright signs.
    The city.
    Streets crisscrossing all over.
    The city.
    Pigeons flying.
    The city...
  • The sea

    The waves crashing against the rocks.The sea.
    The tides going up and down.
    The sea.
    Surfing on the waves.
    The sea.
    Relaxing on the sand.
    The sea.
    Watching the waves from your house.
    The sea.
    Having lunch on the beach.
  • A Poem... A Story...

     A poem is a odd kind of writing.
    A poem is deeper and more expressive than just a comic.
    A poem is the most artistic and creative writing there is.
    A poem uses words that are rarely used in other types of writing.