Margaret S.

Margaret S.


18 years old


  • the beach

    the beach 
    a theme written about so often
    that it may seem overdone
    boring, even
    who doesn’t like the beach?

    but the beach is so much more
    than poems 
    so much more than pictures 
    it is a feeling 
  • Solo

    Running through the woods, away from it all
    Her feet pounding like drums and her heart beating a fast tempo
    Away from all the noise, from the music in her head that was so hard to escape
  • The Power of Red

    Red is, in one word, intense
    It is chic red dresses and vermillion lips and roses 
    It’s the start of the rainbow and the blushing cheeks of the easily embarrassed
    It’s the sunset on a scorching day in July
  • Sometimes I Wish

    Sometimes I wish people would just insult me, flat-out. 
    Not tiptoeing around their comments and weaving them
    into looks and gestures

    Sometimes I wish I could scream, 
    “Just tell me you don’t like me” 
  • that quiet girl

    She doesn’t hold the door for everyone
    It makes her nervous
    She won’t compliment strangers
    It gives her too much anxiety
    And she won’t offer over and over to clean up
    Because she hates making a scene
    But once you get to know her