your subtle beauty,
your softness,
your smooth finish.
one could make from you
in a few moments venus de milo or rushmore
or something rough in the style of rodin
Water lilies
on the water floats
lovely and green and pale pink
a flock of frail birds.
Empty Nests
Tell me we'll be ten forever
and I'll ride my scooter to your house
every day, and never learn
not to trip over the crack on your driveway.
i, like many poets, have wondered a million times what it would be like to be a bird: soaring high above the trees, unburdened by life's banal worries. something primal and free.
cutting fruit
the sound of laughter through sun-spotted trees,
i dreamed last night we were fae frolicking
in rings of toadstools, in and out of trees.
fireworks went off in my head as
on the off-road?
two weeks ago we were stuck in the plains
somewhere in the midwest with no service. you pulled out
some 1999 AAA member's map and said
"crack it open," and i still loved you, even then. words flowed