this is not about water
it was like a sink that was overflowing, built up and up and up.
then it was drained; the pipes rusted over; the slight drip and drip and drip.
then the water rushed like geysers do, hot and momentarily solid.
An Ode to a Preventable Future
Formerly titled "An Ode to A Wasteland"
I don't hate you. I never have, I promise.
There's moments, glimpses, murmurs in my head
that I think maybe
maybe I hate you
la mer et l'amour
Brazil, the year forgotten. The sun is rising.
The ocean longs for her beloved moon but she has already gone down. The sun has taken her place and the water finds no comfort in him.
Blind the jury. Blind the voters.
Wrap white fabric over their eyes, stuff white cotton in their ears. Make them as blind and deaf as Justice herself.
the american dream
i toured six different colleges over the past week
& i didn't care about the clubs
last snow (again)
it's snowing,
and through the endless endless white and the soft ticking of the grandfather clock
on the wall i halfheartedly wonder what the cardinal
in the bird feeder thinks of this.
3 : 0 0 A M
solar-soft night because i stayed up whispering non-existent melodies to the dreaming clouds,
pierced the veil of daybreak with needle-sharp notes-
Wife of a Nation
You vacuum the carpet in the same direction,
straight lines like ribs, hoping to be noticed,
hoping someone sees proof of you,
the ghost of your hands pressed into the fibers. -
I crave physical touch,
I need to feel skin to skin,
I need to be felt,
I crave something I hate.
I've never liked hugs or the feeling of someone touching me,