


14 years old


  • Ice cream

    Sickly sweet,

    Your words touch my prefrontal cortex

    Like soft burning snow.

    Your touch tastes sweeter

    Than ice cream

    On a humid sun-streaked day.


    Frost-borne by the north wind,

  • H E A R T


    Punctured the main artery, sunsets flowing down your ribcage, dull frantic thud-

    I’ve done it again,

    Left an empty hole in the middle of your chest

    Maybe there was something there before

  • Candy Stars

    I hold my secrets in the shape of stars,

    constellation-clustered candy like flaming balls of gas.

    Sometimes they have five points.

    Sometimes six.

    Always, they burn

    in that space inside your head

  • B O N E S

    These are my bones-

    Perfectly structured, pristine white.

    Here, take my skull, that forever grinning phantom reminder,

    And keep it in the gold chest that sits by your fireplace.