Young Writers Project

When Feelings Don’t Feel Valid by henniebear@kua

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of teen writers & artists

The Daily Read

  • Essay

    By Leah

    Ocean's Pulse

    It’s loud and rumbling, as if seething with unrestrained anger. Like a thunderstorm trapped beneath the surface of the water, desperate to break free.

  • consistent day dreamers

    like shifting shadows moving across walls and space

    I constantly reflect everything and everyone

    daydreamers like to envision a new world

    one where every cog in the machine does its job

    we get tired of being the mirror

  • fighter

    I've never been much of a fighter.

    I take hits like glass takes baseballs

    like fire takes to rain.

    Glass breaks and fire goes out.

    I've never been much of a fighter.

    A retaliator, resister



  • Visual Art



    Draw or paint (or possibly photograph!) the kind of cottage or dwelling you might expect to see in a fairy tale or fantasy film. 

  • Writing



    Spend one week keeping a gratitude journal, writing down at least one thing you’re thankful for at the end of every day. When the week’s up, take a few minutes to reflect on the process.

  • Writing



    In poetry or prose, write about a character visiting a psychic and being told their fortune through tarot cards or tea leaves. What is revealed to them? Does your character take heed?


  • Writing


    Human Rights – Writing

    Consider how rights are diminishing for LGBTQ+ people, women, Native Americans, people of color, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups. Write about the impact this has on you, your friends & family, your community.

  • Visual Art


    Human Rights – Visual Art

    How do you celebrate human rights through art? How do you protest their erosion in America today? In photography, painting, sketching, digital art, or another medium of your choice, send a powerful message through your art.

  • Visual Art


    Democracy & Ethics – Visual Art

    Using the medium of your choice, interpret the concept of democracy. Consider President Abraham Lincoln's "government of the people, by the people, for the people." You can take a realistic photograph or create an imaginative illustration. 

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