Young Writers Project

Snowy Mountains by -Sunflower-

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of teen writers & artists

The Daily Read

  • My Oak Tree, My Hope

    Nestled within the plains of the Midwest,

    Isolated and alone,

    Stands a wholesome oak tree.


    Her dark, chestnut body hemmed in by the mucky acorns, 

    Those of which were shed out of sorrow.

  • Love and Community

    I remember when I fell in love with eagles and oak trees, 
    with green grass, warm summers, and fireworks.

    I fell in love with what now is brushwood for a fire 
    that red white and blue decided to ignite.



  • Visual Art



    Create a self-portrait with distinctive shadows and highlights accenting your features.

  • Writing



    Write a poem or short story whose only purpose is to make the reader laugh. The style of humor you use is up to you: sarcasm, snail jokes, situational irony, etc.

  • Writing



    What makes you feel squishy inside? A hug from your mom? Your dreamy new crush? Your tattered childhood blankie? A cat cozied up on your lap? Write about that tender-hearted feeling in poetry, prose, or self-reflection.


  • Writing

    Inauguration/MLK Day

    Jan. 20 is Inauguration Day. It is also MLK Day, commemorating the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Think about that, in terms of the nation's history. Where are we in 2025? Where are we going?

  • Writing

    Sijo Poetry

    Try your hand at sijo poetry, a Korean verse form that can tell a complete story in just three short lines.

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