


YWP Alumni


  • watching them go

    i'll be a senior next year. i'm scared.
    i'm watching on the school's site right now, watching my friends cross the stage and shake hands
    i'll see a few of them over the summer, yes
    but it's not the same
  • quickie ;

    a scenedrop for my in-progress story, i just really wanted to write this particular scene.


    It all went to hell so fast.
    Rosemilly held my arm in a death grip, eyes wide in fear. "What's going on, Gyn?!"
  • pit

    encapsulating the silence
    the loud ringing in my ears
    foretells all there is to be today

    highlighting the darkness
    what i can't see
    whispers thoughts into my ears

    what if i'm not good enough?
  • storyboard

    ok this is for a short story involving my characters gyn, jace, julio and ravilo

    location: allenbrook

    what happens????

    gyn and jace are helping at the moonflower festival. they're cutting flowers, painting booths, etc